
The django-bootstrap5 has some pre-configured settings.

They can be modified by adding a dict variable called BOOTSTRAP5 in your and customizing the values ​​you want;

The BOOTSTRAP5 dict variable contains these settings and defaults:

# Default settings

    # The complete URL to the Bootstrap CSS file.
    # Note that a URL can be either a string
    # (""),
    # or a dict with keys `url`, `integrity` and `crossorigin` like the default value below.
    "css_url": {
        "url": "",
        "integrity": "sha384-gH2yIJqKdNHPEq0n4Mqa/HGKIhSkIHeL5AyhkYV8i59U5AR6csBvApHHNl/vI1Bx",
        "crossorigin": "anonymous",

    # The complete URL to the Bootstrap bundle JavaScript file.
    "javascript_url": {
        "url": "",
        "integrity": "sha384-A3rJD856KowSb7dwlZdYEkO39Gagi7vIsF0jrRAoQmDKKtQBHUuLZ9AsSv4jD4Xa",
        "crossorigin": "anonymous",

    # The complete URL to the Bootstrap CSS theme file (None means no theme).
    "theme_url": None,

    # Color mode (None means do not set color mode).
    "color_mode": None,

    # Put JavaScript in the HEAD section of the HTML document (only relevant if you use bootstrap5.html).
    'javascript_in_head': False,

    # Wrapper class for non-inline fields.
    # The default value "mb-3" is the spacing as used by Bootstrap 5 example code.
    'wrapper_class': 'mb-3',

    # Wrapper class for inline fields.
    # The default value is empty, as Bootstrap5 example code doesn't use a wrapper class.
    'inline_wrapper_class': '',

    # Label class to use in horizontal forms.
    'horizontal_label_class': 'col-sm-2',

    # Field class to use in horizontal forms.
    'horizontal_field_class': 'col-sm-10',

    # Field class used for horizontal fields withut a label.
    'horizontal_field_offset_class': 'offset-sm-2',

    # Set placeholder attributes to label if no placeholder is provided.
    'set_placeholder': True,

    # Class to indicate required field (better to set this in your Django form).
    'required_css_class': '',

    # Class to indicate field has one or more errors (better to set this in your Django form).
    'error_css_class': '',

    # Class to indicate success, meaning the field has valid input (better to set this in your Django form).
    'success_css_class': '',

    # Enable or disable Bootstrap 5 server side validation classes (separate from the indicator classes above).
    'server_side_validation': True,

    # Renderers (only set these if you have studied the source and understand the inner workings).
        'default': 'django_bootstrap5.renderers.FormsetRenderer',
    'form_renderers': {
        'default': 'django_bootstrap5.renderers.FormRenderer',
    'field_renderers': {
        'default': 'django_bootstrap5.renderers.FieldRenderer',